On average I receive 4 to 6 newsletters a day. And I scan the best blog posts that interest me.
In the past two years I have read hundreds, perhaps several thousand online marketing blogs. In the beginning a lot about WordPress, now more about content and email marketing, online tools and social media developments.
Reading is fun, it’s relaxed, and … you mostly learn more about it.
Because I read so much, I didn’t have to follow a course. It’s unbelievable that so many bloggers with these online marketing blogs enjoy sharing their knowledge with others. And that’s a good thing too.
In those two years I have come across a number of articles that stuck with me. Which helped me tremendously to get better in my profession. So that I can build even better websites, that are more effective and score better.
You should know, this list is not complete, but one that inspired me. Blogs I sometimes go back to. And others too, because these articles are immensely popular and shared a lot
Okay, let’s roll:
1. The Beginners Guide To Online Marketing
Are you a beginner in online marketing? Then The beginners Guide To Online Marketing is certainly a good starting point for you. Neil Patel of Quicksprout says that online marketing moves at the speed of light. To keep up, you must have a strong foundation that helps you. It resulted in a comprehensive manual explaining how you can get started with online marketing.
I must say honestly: I haven’t been able to read everything, because this manual covers more than 30,000 words. So n terms of size it’s almost a book. With practical tips, strategic and tactical advice. And written very accessible.
2. Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List
SEO is an important part to be found better in Google and to position yourself on the internet. But what does Google look at when reviewing articles? Brian Dean wrote Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The Complete List, a list of all 200 points on which Google reviews website content.
It was a monks work for Brian to find out, but the result is beautiful. He also says: some ranking factors have been proven, others are controversial. But they’re all there.
To name a few:
* The website must be mobile friendly;
* The use of Google Analytics and Google Search Console helps to rank better;
* And summed up lists (what I’m doing now …) are good for findability.
Brian has written more good manuals by the way, including Link Building for SEO: The Complete List.
3. Why Interactive Content May Be the Most Exciting Marketing Tactic of 2015
One of the best online marketing blogs is Copyblogger. These guys from Copyblogger are also good writers, so you can easily read through it. For those who want to learn to write better, this is a must. The article above that I have selected describes how you, in addition to written articles, can have other forms of content, like a quiz, podcast or even a game.
4. The Optimal Length for Every Social Media Update and More
The Optimal Length for Every Social Media Update and More provides an overview of how long a tweet, a blog or a subject line for a newsletter should be. A masterful article, because everyone has at some point wondered about this.
For example, the ideal length for a blog post is 1600 words, for a tweet it’s 71 to 100 characters. It has all been scientifically researched, so if you stick to this, you have a big chance that you will be read, tweeted, followed, etc., etc.
5. 21 Actionable SEO Techniques You Can Use Right Now
Another article by Brian Dean: 21 Actionable SEO Techniques You Can Use Right Now. The good thing about Brian is that he works a lot with screenshots and explains the subject very clearly.
These are tips for the advanced SEO people, but I still benefit a lot from it.
6. 67 Insights From The Worlds Top Digital Marketing Experts
A well-known online marketer is Jeff Bullas, who pleasantly bombards me with tweets about online marketing every day. He is a blogger, author, speaker, coach and writes a lot. One of his recent popular articles is 67 Insights From The World’s Top Digital Marketing Experts. It paints a good picture of what the developments are (and they are going fast …). The article gives you an overview, a moment to reflect on what you do: am I on the right track and what should I focus on?
7. We Analyzed Nearly 1 Million Headlines. Here’s What We Learned
Sometimes a header can trigger you so much that you immediately keep reading on. This article helped me to make better headers, even though I’ve been doing that for years in my profession. But making a header for a paper magazine is quite different from making a header for an online article.
To give a figure: 89 percent of articles on the entire internet are not shared more than 100 times. This article makes it clear how to make good headers that do go ‘viral’.
Dutch online marketing blogs
I get almost all my knowledge from foreign online marketing blogs. But there are also Dutch articles that are valuable. I will name a few.
8. Practice example: How do you get more newsletter subscriptions?
One of the blogs that I like to read is 000.nl by Ruben Bunskoeke. He has his own style and doesn’t portray it better than it is. Very recognizable was an article about how to get more newsletter readers.
Everyone emphasizes that you must have a newsletter (I think so too …) but then it is an art to build up a list of subscribers. Ruben describes very aptly – and honestly – how much effort it took him to get that done and how he eventually (perseverance is the secret …) went from 0 to 1500+ subscribers.
9. 42 Facebook Tips: More visitors, likes, comments and “shares through Facebook and Facebook advertising
Recently I followed a webinar (something different than a blog, but also a way to connect people to you) by internet entrepreneur Eelco de Boer. He is very good at online marketing and helps companies to be successful on the internet.
And he is also a good writer!
I am currently focusing on expanding Twitter, but I know that I also have to work more with Facebook to get more followers, sorry, more fans. Eelco indicated that he also ignored Facebook for years because he didn’t like it as a medium. But at one point he decided to use Facebook anyway to promote his business.
Eelco says: “Where I used to be rather negative about” the blue monster ” that has now turned 180 degrees and it has perhaps become my favorite way of communicating and marketing. The reach is HUGE, the interaction isn’t as easy on any other platform and the beauty of it all, you CAN GROW FAST. ”
He wrote an article with 42 Facebook tips on how to increase the amount of visitors, likes, comments and shares through Facebook and Facebook advertising. A valuable article.
10. Plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast setting
To get to know WordPress better, I regularly read Webtalis articles. One of Maikel van de Weerd’s – he is the author – best articles is Set up Plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast. Every website should actually have an SEO plugin and Maikel explains step-by-step, also with a video, how to set up the plugin properly. Because there are a lot of options to do this.
The strong point of his blog is: he updates this article (and also others) regularly and shows when he has done the last update.
11. Start a blog? I will give you my 100 learned lessons
I would also like to mention one of my own blogs. If that’s ok Recently I wrote the blog Start A blog? I will give you my 100 learned lessons . The title says it all: everything I learned as a starting blogger during recent times, I put it all in this article.
It has become a blog of more than 4000 words, but this is a tip that I also gave others: write at least 1 article where you put give it your all, that shows your passion, and shows your expertise. It will automatically pay off at a certain moment.
There are really a lot of online marketing blogs. Every article seems to have been written, but I still regularly encounter pearls that make me happy.
This is my selection, but there are probably more articles that I haven’t mentioned yet. I would really like to hear about them.