Updating ThemeForest themes is often a diffuse job.
You will first receive – if you have set this up – a message from ThemeForest through email that an update is available for the theme.
Then you go to your account at ThemeForest and you download the new theme. You go to your website and delete the previous version. Then you install the new theme and you activate it.
It can be done simpeler.
With the Envato Market WordPress plugin you can more or less automate this process.
In this post I will show you how.
Create an API Key
To make ‘contact’ with the ThemeForest database, you first need to generate a so called API key.
To do this go to your ThemeForest account and then to:
settings > api keys
Here you can generate a new API key.
Envato Market WordPress plugin
Then you can download the Envato Market WordPres plugin. In contrast to most plugins, this plugin can not be found in the Plugin catalogue.
So you can find this plugin at the above link.
After this you can install and activate the zip file as a new plugin.
On the left side of your sidebar in WordPress you will see that ‘Envato Market’ has been added.
Click on that and fill your Marketplace Username and Secret API Key in. After that save settings.
After that you have to generate an API key and click on: clicking this link.
In the next screen you can make a token:
Fill thereafter your Token name in and at the bottom of the page agree with terms and conditions.
The next screen is:
Copy this key (its not visible…) en place it by ‘Token’ and agree again.
Updaten van ThemeForest themes
When put the token in it, the next screen appears:
At the top you see nes tabs: Themes and plugins. All themes from ThemeForest stand here. And there you also get a notification when a theme needs to be updated. So, you can do the updating here.
You click on Install automatically and the theme will be installed automatically. Then you still need to activate it.
It’s that simple!
Note: Make sure you have a good backup, because something can always go wrong during the update.